Monday, December 31, 2012

HaPpY nEw YeAr

Happy New Year, good morning and good night,
Staying at the airport catching for the next flight, 
Laughing together and hugging each other tight, 
Forgetting all the arguments, conflicts and fights,
A whole new year free from diseases and blights,
Let's sing out loud, forgetting about the stage fright,
Let's set ablaze the fireworks and lit up the lights,
Climbing up the ladder of dreams with might,
Standing tall and  gaze upon the wonderful sights...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dancing With The Moon

Dad is not at home today
Walking under the moon with mum after dinner
Above the sky shines the round, silver Moon
I know the Moon will never shine by itself
It steals the light from the Sun
I noticed my shadow, taller than mum
And mum's hand seemed to be smaller in my hand
Under the moonlight, I see her shoulder-length hair
And I also see some wrinkles
On her smiling face when I talk to her
It was different 15 years ago
Where my shadow was shorter
My hand was smaller
And mummy looked younger

Seeing this
I realize my parents are getting older
Yet their smiles never change or fade
No matter how stubborn I am
No matter how worst I sometimes behave
Their anger will recede after that
And I always earn their forgiveness
I should thank them for bringing me to this world
Even though sometimes I don't really like the world

They never ask me to repay them anything
All I know is to survive and make them proud of me
I should always stay happy and never bring tears to them
Deep inside, I know they are the one 
Who always keep me walking and standing up
No matter how battered or how bruised I am
They are the pillars of my strength
I can't put in words to tell them that
I really LOVE THEM...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Silent Noon

Not from a mafia family with lots of goon
Having a loving family, isn't that a boon?
Life can't be as fun as comedy and toon
I am just a silly wolf howling at the moon
Strolling on the white, sandy beach at noon
Waiting to be consumed by the wave soon...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012






Monday, December 24, 2012


The shops are closing, stopping to do business
Lots of colourful lights, there is no darkness
A day which exudes happiness and goodness
Trying to do my last minute shopping, listless
Lots of friends in my mind, I'm not heartless
Celebrating the festival with family, friendless
Sitting near the fireplace, to feel the warmness
Receiving a gift from a far-away-anonymous
I wish everyone I know: Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

What Can You Do?

What can you do? If you've known the truth and yet you have to accept it...
What can you do? If the care and concern you've shown doesn't need by others...
What can you do? If you love someone, but he or she never love you...
What can you do? If you trust someone, but he or she never trust you...
What can you do? If you missed someone, but you don't have the strength to contact him or her anymore...
What can you do? If your true feelings are suppressed and honesty is rejected...
What can you do? If you want to talk with someone, but he or she doesn't show any interests...
What can you do? If you know that someone never even show care and concern to you...
What can you do? If you know that someone never treat you as a friend...
What can you do? If things are not like in the past anymore...


No one understands your feelings even though you tell them...
No one sees your tears and your bleeding heart...
No one cares no matter how hard you cry...
No one sees you die deep inside...


He or she will only realise when you stopped being good to him or to her...
He or she will only realise when you become a cold and changed person...
He or she will only realise when you walk out from his or her life...
He or she will only realise when you just vanish from the Earth...

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Day Before Departure

I am writing this the day before departure
Land of unknown waiting for me to venture
This trip will make me to become mature
So that I can get hold on my bright future
I feel so excited as if my heart will rupture
Lots of scenery waiting for me to capture
I know it is time for me to start the adventure 












Sunday, December 9, 2012


The branch shivering in the freezing winter...

Even if the endless sadness steals you away
Tell me that our hearts separating is impossible
No matter what happens tomorrow, is when I see your back I try to reach
I didn't stop loving, because I don't want to forget about believing again
The habit of averting my eyes, ambiguous replies and lies I can't laugh at

Even if the endless sadness drifts you away
Tell me that our hearts breaking is impossible
Words for filling the far distance between us can't be found
Within the passing seasons, I know I can't be able to catch up with you
I will say those days can't be recalled, but unforgettable
Even if there will be no more than this, I will accept them

When in time I don't return, please don't let your tears fall
If you tell me that my heart forgets about you, that is impossible
Through loss I learnt of a tomorrow where you're crying
I could finally see your face, yet can no longer touch it
You just see me lying there with a smile on my lips

Even if the endless sadness steals me away
Don't forget when you thought "goodbye" was a lie in those days
While we've known each other for long, the sky and dreams you saw alone
They remain as if still on that day, nothing changes inside of me
Now and forever...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Walking Out

The door opens, she walks out
Asking her what is this about
Staring at me, she's making a pout
Her face as dark as heavy cloud
I know this is caused by my fault
I should not scream at her loud
I mustn't break a heart with a shout...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Between Truth and Lies: Nisemonogatari

Hanging on a fine line between reality and imitation 

It's been awhile since the last time I watched anime. Recently, I re-watched one of my favourite anime which was aired this earlier 2012. The reason I loved this anime was the philosophy lying deep within the anime. I never get bored watching it the second time, since what I had was time during holiday. Well, this is the first time for me writing an anime review. Please enjoy!

Back when Bakemonogatari aried in 2009, it immediately gained widespread attention due to its rich context, fun characters, interesting dialogues and unique animations. Few years later, its sequel, Nisemonogatari aired, and of cause, it is compared to its predecessor. Is it better then Bakemonogatari? Or is it worse? Should they even be compared? We shall see what I have to say about the matter.

Before I start though, I would like the point out the difference between the meaning between “Bakemonogatari” and “Nisemonogatari” since I might be touching more on this subject later on. The latter part of the phrases, “monogatari” means “tales”. It can then be easily seen that Bakemonogatari is a portmanteau of bakemono (monster) and monogatari (tales), and Nisemonogatari is a portmanteau of nisemono (a fake, imitation) and monogatari (tales).

In that respect, some argued that Nisemonogatari had gone completely off track and doesn’t even feel like Bakemonogatari. The sole reason is because even though they are related, they dealt with different aspects of the show. Bakemonogatari focuses more literally on “getting possessed by monsters” part of the series and while Nisemonogatari dealt with the “inner monsters trapped in human body” part slightly too, it is more focused on the internal concept between real and fake, and the quality between the two. Needless to say, Nisemonogatari will have monster-less plotlines and of cause, less actions.

Aforementioned, the anime may feel different from Bakemongatari, it deals more with the premise of real and fake, and how fake can be more real due to it’s never-ending imitation in becoming real. Ultimately, I don’t think Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari should be not be compared so strictly, both are worlds apart in terms of concept, and in my opinion, I believe it is good to have the same mindset for any future monogatari anime adaptions.
The concept for Nisemonogatari is quite philosophical, and suits the show quite well. The ending left a big question mark to me though, as the main character, Koyomi found his girl friend, Senjougahara Hitagi with short hair on a sandy beach...Well, it’s probably a set-up for an obvious 3rd season.
Overall, Nisemonogatari is one of the best shows this season. It might had some controversial problems (suggestive ecchi scene between Koyomi and his sisters), but it is definitely worth watching it. Nisemonogatari had provided reasons and reasons why you SHOULD check it out. It has very interesting and fun dialogues, it has graphics which are literally sex to the eyes, and most of all, it generates enjoyment.

The fundamental point that this series is trying to tell us is the subject of real and fake. Truths and lies. When we are born, all of us have been fed with assumptions, ‘truths’ and the likes. So what constitutes real and fake depends on our belief, principle and conviction that we hold. Some beliefs that we do not hold strongly on to are easily swayed and changed. And to quote a line from Lenin, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth”. What we have been thought to believe the truth it has been all the while suddenly turns into a fake and a lie, can we humans accept the real truth? After all, the truth hurts, right? There will always be some truth in the lies and there are always some fakes in the truth. So far everything you have seen here, are they truths, lies or half-truths? 

I guess when we are possessed by an unexplained supernatural, it is natural for us to fear in it simply we do not fully understand the reason behind it all. People always fear of the unknown. Modern science and medicine sometimes do not really explain or give scientific evidence and proof, we turn to priests, bomohs and local shamans in hopes of seeking a cure. In that desperate of need, this is when we usually become vulnerable and those with bad intentions seek to take advantage of this situation. Even if ywe don’t believe in supernatural stuffs, at least please respect them. There are lots of unexplained things in this world. Tales and stuffs that you might have heard from your grandmother trying to scare the shit out of your pants when you were young. Eventually it’s really up to you whether you want to believe it or not. Hey, between, if you really hate someone, there’s this website that appear only at midnight and when you type in the name of the person you hate most, you can send him/her to hell. Sounds too good to be true? Am I telling the truth or lying through my teeth? Check it out yourself…LOL...


Story: A
Character: A
Art: S
Animation: S

Final Score

Monday, December 3, 2012

Deceptive December

Even if Mr. Apocalypse pays a visit, I know I'll try to survive...

21.12 Apocalypse,  the news everyone receive
Some people treat it as as joke, but some believe
How many innocent souls Death will retrieve?
To Death, I know I will be the one who deceive
If nothing happens, everyone will feel relieve
Lots of dreams and hopes, still unable to achieve
With our family and friends, happily we will live...