This morning, I just knew that one of my friend, G, broke up with his GF (in hometown, considered long-distanced relationship), after a 4 years relationship (4 years is considered stable, I think). The sad thing was his GF sought for broke up first. The reason given was G is too busy for her, besides suspecting that he had other girl in our teacher-training college. I felt sad for this dude too, because he really loved his GF so much. Well, G was an average-built good -looking guy, with six-packed abs, because he was a former basketball player, when he was in secondary school. He was a thoughtful, brilliant and hardworking student, who excelled in his academics. Besides that, I like the way he thinks, thinking about own future and planning. For me, this is not building castle in the air, instead this is how a young man sets a target to achieve the pinnacle of his dream. In daily life, he is leading a thrifty life, always telling that he saves money for his future. I understand that the first break-up was always the most painful one. As his senior and friend, what I can do to help is sharing my own experiences and comfort him. Well, all men are brothers, right? I did hope he could either "talk" her GF come back to him or move on with his life, meeting a better GF or future wife-to-be. Stay strong and tough, G!!!
I don't want to blame G's GF for this whole break up, but sometimes girls really think a lot, I can't get it why, some girls still like to think so much, even though they already have BF who love them so much. If you don't have any evidence and he really loves you, why not just TRUST him, LOVE him and be with him, till his last breath. Loving a people too much somehow will lead human, either male or female to irrational thought, jealousy and suspicions. Imagine the BF had invested so much of his time, money and energy to show his love and concern, and in the end, the GF just walked away, without turning back or giving reasonable reasons. If both souls don't love each other and can't tolerate with each other, why starting the relationship at the first time? Is it love at the first sight? Is it both souls are too lonely, so they just started a game, named Love? Breaking up for me sometimes is synonymous, to both stupid people wasting their time to invest something unfruitful, or giving up half way of the investment. However, breaking up also makes people grow mature and experienced.
Therefore, always make a firm stand and consideration before starting a relationship. Can you tolerate and trust each other? Do you know how to maintain the relationship with the one you loved or fell in love with? Do you plan to marry with him/her in future? Love is not blind, because you were born with two big, shiny eyes. You can either getting started, love each other till Death does both of you apart; or don't simply start a relationship, just because you were hunger for love, attention and materialism, one advice: wait for the rightful person or remain single forever.
Love and appreciate the one you loved and the one who loved you. Always be thankful to the person who dumped you, all my friends...^^