Sunday, October 26, 2014

Some Like It Hot

Dressed in red with white polka-dots
Walking down the streets and shoplots
They said she's smoking hot
Like chocolate melts in a pot
Yet I doze off like a baby in a cot

Waking up for my working preparation
Eyes staring at her with precision
I wonder if that's my imagination
Or is that really just an illusion?
Which causes me to have such delusion...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Sandcastle

Building sandcastle in one hot noon
I'm using bucket, cup, fork and spoon
Scooping a shovelful of sand from shore
I'm trying to build the second floor 
Coming forwards the fingers of sea
Throwing two strong, sudden fists to me
The sandcastle falls like dominoes
And it disappeared between my toes...

Friday, February 28, 2014

2 4get

Getting approval from her dad
He feels like a lucky lad
Always have her in his head
Holding hands until they grad
Then she dates a guy named Ted
The reality really makes him sad
His heart feels as heavy as lead
Jeaolusy just drives him mad
He wishes if Ted was just shot dead
Deleting their photos from his I-pad
Those are the only memories they had
He knows: maybe it's time to forget...